Monday, February 1, 2016

about candi! (about the author)

totally forgot to post last week, my apologies!!
i was writing down blog ideas for the month last night, and i had in mind the new readers i have had on here, as well as my mass amounts of new twitter (@halseyxlilac) and instagram (@iamtovelo) and thought i would do a little get to know me post.  i am already planning a ootw for next week's post (probably won't go up till next saturday :() so keep on the lookout for that next week! enough of all this, lets get into the post!
my real name is savannah.  candi is a fake online name i made up when i was younger because i didn't feel comfortable giving my name out.
i am a sagittarius and my birthday is december 17 (year isn't important...)
for me, music is the center of everything.  i always tend to have music playing.
my favorite artists to listen to are halsey, panic! at the disco, tove lo, melanie martinez, avril lavigne, adele, and a little bit of stuff i listened too when i was younger.  (britt nicole, cher lloyd, kelly clarkson, ellie goulding) i will listen to everything except country because i hate country.
my first blog was a britt nicole fan page that is still up if you feel like reading my embarrassing blog posts from 2 years ago (click here to read...) (btw, i shared that blogger account with one of my really good friends, she had her blog, and i had mine, but we shared the account)
i also love to clean and organize (i know, that's super weird, but i love having my life cleaned and organized!)
going on with things i love, i love to read, write, dance, color (i can't draw to save my life), go on long car rides, travel, social media, shopping, my phone, my friends and family, my bed, netflix (law and order svu is what i'm obsessing over currently), taking/having pictures, baths, hot tubs, california, disneyland, concerts, the beach, naps, hair and makeup, target,  and several other things i can't think of right now.
i am sick and have been undergoing blood testing for a year and a half now with no sure answer of what is wrong.  due to that, i do miss a lot of school and sleep a ton.  i tend to go for a nap over several other things lately.
i have the mouth of a sailor (thanks mom) and it will come out a ton
i also have really bad anxiety.  i have friends i haven't talked too for months because i'm afraid they won't like me anymore/think i'm really weird and i hate it more than the world.
i hate starting conversations due to it, i only really start conversations with my best friend.
i also have a tumblr that i don't post on very often, but i am always on (click here for my tumblr)
i am a "retired dancer" and i haven't danced for 4 years but i still stretch and do dance exercises everyday to keep my flexibility.
and there is so many more things you will find out about me while following this page and my instagram, tumblr, and twitter pages.
feel free to comment with any questions or to tell a little bit more about yourself! i will read and reply to them all (unless they are wayy too personal).
again, i will have an ootw and hopefully i will have the blog redone by next saturday!
until then,
candi / savannah

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